What exactly are PUFAS? PUFAS stands for polyunsaturated fats. You can find them in most foods we eat. Yes, even “health” foods.
PUFA oils: canola, grapeseed, sunflower, safflower, soy, soybean, corn, vegetable, rapeseed, flax, and peanut.
Most nuts and seeds like: almonds, brazil nuts, flax, chia, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, sesame, nut butters & flours.
Fatty fish like salmon (this is why salmon should just be eaten I-2 times a week max)
“I thought fats are good for you!”
PUFAS are an unstable fat. They oxidize easily when they hit light, heat, and oxygen. Most nuts and seeds are denatured by the time you get your hands on them.
PUFAS can be harmful to metabolism function and inflame the body. They can also contribute to hormone imbalances because PUFAS are estrogenic meaning estrogen dominance issues can arise. They also delete vitamin E which is crucial for fertility.
The average woman is dealing with either hormonal imbalances - bad periods, PCOS, etc, blood sugar instability - irregular eating patters and high stress, digestion issues - gut dysbiosis, IBS, bloating, and/or impaired detoxification.
All of these STRESS the body. This is on TOP of our daily stressors. PUFAS could be adding more inflammation to your body and be sneakily f-ing with your hormones.
”What about all my nuts + seeds?!
This doesn’t mean stop consuming them! They can be nourishing in small amounts if raw and sprouted. Quantity and quality MATTER! We have become an influenced nation of people eating almond butter, almond milk, and almond flour everything.
The average store bought almond milk contains gums, safflower oil, synthetic vitamins, and pesticides. This goes for oat milk too. Read your ingredients always!
It's the OVERLOAD of PUFAS and other toxins + our stressed livers + overactive nervous systems = an inflamed body
“So what do I do?!” 🤯
Focus on stable fats. Omega 6s are PRO inflammatory while omega 3s are ANTI inflammatory. There needs to be a balance - but that is really tough to do with the amount of PUFAS we consume.
The quality of the fat you're consuming is very important and will either contribute or add to inflammation. The fat found in animal products are stable and natural sources of the omegas that are balanced.
Canola oil for example, is very high in omega 6s and very unstable & oxidize - try to ditch this one as much as possible. You'd be surprised by how many things have these yellow corn and seed oils! Read ingredients whenever you can. Don’t be fearful; be informed of what is going into your body.
Always try to do sprouted & organic when possible. Make your own nut milk. Try to do cashew or macadamia. These nuts are a much more stable fat. Store nuts and seeds in the fridge. Start to eliminate processed foods and even “health” foods. Your gluten free/dairy free and high protein/low sugar foods are loaded with emulsifiers and PUFA oils. Removing anything from a food item, like sugar or dairy for example, means SOMETHING else synthetic will be added.
Vitamin E helps your body lower inflammation from PUFAS by fighting free radicals. Food sources of vitamin E include collard greens, spinach, mango, pumpkin + pumpkin seeds, red bell pepper, asparagus, kiwi, and avocado.
Almonds are a source of vitamin E; but when heated they lose their vitamin E content.
Remember, food is one piece of a large puzzle that makes up your health. PUFAS are also one piece of that puzzle. Unless you plan to be a hermit crab and never eat out, go to a bakery, buy anything that comes packed, and grow your own nuts…you’re probably going to encounter them!
Start with these:
Increase your stable fat intake
Read ingredients and see if there is another option
Up your fruit intake to increase anti -inflammatory nutrients
Cook with stable fats like ghee, avocado oil, & tallow
Sweat to help your body detox
Increase vitamin E
Take it one day at a time!